
-MRF creative-

I am Rizal.

About Me

mrfcreative is an agent for you who need services like infographic design such as unique proposal for event sponsor, 3D drawing design, motion study and component simulation using solidworks, developing your brand as well as digital based marketing.


What To Do.

The work done is based on unique, creativity and innovation.


We provide services for those of you who want to create a brand new or develop a brand that you already have with an eye catching model and color.

Digital Marketing

We also provide services for those of you who want to analyze the market to find a gap how your brand can be easily recognized with Digital E-Commerce.

infographic Design

The infographic design offered will provide a unique and new picture so that the eye catching impression will not disappear without losing the information to be conveyed.

Industrial Development

Industrial development can be done by using analytical analysis that is directly related to digital marketing. Implementation of ERP and Business Model Canvas or other regional industrial development can be applied.


See My Featured Projects.


Telling stories in the dark.


Your partner business development.


Guy Fawkes mask


Mist can tell you a little story about life.

Poster Coreldraw Class

Design your CV the poster made with coreldraw's software.


Lorem ipsum Dolor deserunt labore sint officia. Magna et aute enim proident tempor sunt quis nulla voluptate fugiat velit. Details


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    Bandung in Fashion reference: Dr. Ir. Yogi Yogaswara, MT. result:
  • Development of information systems in the art sector of tourism performances in the city of Bandung is Cabaret by making a website Forum Kabaret Bandung.

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